Drawing with Type
The activity was to find a nursery rhyme and to draw an illustration based on using text only.
I chose:
Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree;
Merry, merry king of the bush is he. Laugh, Kookaburra, laugh, Kookaburra, Gay your life must be! (alternate: Save some gum for me!) |
“Kookaburra” was written in 1932 by Australian music
teacher, Marion Sinclair, who sold the song’s rights after winning a music
competition in Victoria, Australia in 1934. The kookaburra of the rhyme is a
native Australian kingfisher (bird), whose call sounds very similar to human
I drew a rough sketch of a kookaburra on paper first then opened up Photoshop and imported a black and white scan at 300 Dots per inch resolution. I then cropped and saved it as a JPEG image. I then created a new document in Illustrator and placed the image inside.With the image in illustrator a made it as template in its layer.I created another layer and named it tracing. I selected the Pen Tool and traced around the image, when I finished tracing, I duplicated the artwork layer, so that I would have a back up of the artwork, as once you put type on a path, you cannot convert back! I then created another layer and name it Text where I copied and pasted the nursery rhyme words.From there I then chose the Type on a path Tool and placed the cursor on the image and started copying and pasting each line of the nursery rhyme into and changing the fonts with different sizes to suit.
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